Solar Panel Fires at Walmart Stores Result in Breach of Contract With Tesla
November07When a breach of contract between businesses occurs, it can be damaging to not only the relationship between the two entities, but also towards the reputations of the parties. A breach of contract generally occurs when one of the parties to the contract does not honor their obligations contained in the agreement. Breaches can happen by way of non-performance or interference with the other party or because of a problem with the products or services that were the subject of the contract. For both Walmart and Tesla this rang especially true after the retailer contracted with Tesla to acquire solar panels for 200 of its stores. Subsequently, the purchased solar panels caught fire.
Contracts in Construction: How Breaches Impact the Construction Industry
September26The construction industry is fertile ground for many different types of breach of contract lawsuits. This post will discuss different ways a construction company or contractor can be held liable in a breach of contract case.