Shoemaker Claims Competitors Are Walking All Over Patent Rights
August09Cases involving patent disputes can be especially frustrating because the patent infringement makes a patent holder feel as if his or her hard work is being stolen. Patent lawsuits are fairly common and the importance of protecting patent rights is essential to avoiding a courtroom, as is the case for Bernardo shoes.
What Makes A Contract?
July30In most cases, contracts and business negotiations go hand-in-hand. While verbal agreements are technically legal, they can often cause conflict over specific details, especially if one party believes the contract has been breached. Contracts between two entities are becoming more nuanced and detailed in an effort to make any and all possibilities clear should problems arise. Let’s take a look at some contract basics to see how different contracts can potentially be utilized between parties.
What Business Owners Need To Know About No-Match Letters
July17If you are familiar with the term “No-Match Letter,” you might be reminded of the 1990’s where these letters became fairly notable. Though not much has been said about them in recent years, many have noticed they are making a comeback. While this comeback has seemingly happened under the radar, it’s important for business owners to know what their options are when and if they receive a No-Match Letter.