Missouri City Votes To Prevent Rezoning
March18The topic of rezoning can be a hot button issue for many people. The act of taking an already established property and reallocating it for a different purpose can seem confusing. This is true as sometimes property owners and businesses will utilize rezoning to reestablish how an area of land will be used to turn a profit. Oftentimes this happens when predominantly residential areas are rezoned for commercial use, and can be accomplished by creating multiple lots from a single section of land. For the residents of Missouri City, this nearly became a reality.
What Business Owners And Investors Can Learn From The Fyre Festival Disaster
March11It’s hard to forget the infamous Fyre Festival. The music festival’s sleek, influencer laden marketing techniques that promoted an exclusive experience that never was were detailed in two different documentaries on Hulu and Netflix earlier this year. While the incident has resulted in prison time for the founder and a multitude of media coverage—it’s important to note the many lessons that business owners and investors can learn from this ultimate blunder.
Patent Trolls and Intellectual Property Litigation
March05Larger companies normally have many advantages over smaller companies in the competitive marketplace. One area where this is not necessarily true is intellectual property. Larger companies might have more capacity to protect their intellectual property, but smaller companies can have just as much brilliance and innovation in their ideas. Unfortunately, some large corporations have been utilizing the legal system to bully smaller companies with valid patents to drive them out of business.